Thursday, January 2, 2020

Seizure Origins, Text, And History - 1169 Words

Seizure: Origins, Text, And History). The second was the importance that prohibition-era cases began to place on requiring a warrant to search and seize evidence (Search and Seizure: Origins, Text, And History). Third was the rising standard of probable cause need to achieve a search warrant (Search and Seizure: Origins, Text, And History). This effectively made Fourth Amendment law standard while ensuring that probable cause was needed to achieve a warrant. Today’s search and seizure law were made by the founding fathers of America who felt that government should be ruled by the people and not the other way around. This amendment specifically gives the right to citizens of the United States to be secure in their homes and belonging†¦show more content†¦Even if the evidence proves guilt or the contraband is known to be there, officers must implement proper procedure of search and seizure or risk the evidence being suppressed in court. The same can be stated for the seizure of a person as well. To deprive one of freedom requires more than just a hunch of a police officer. This ensures that citizen’s right is not infringed on without a meaningful reason. It also means that police officers need to practice proper police work when seizing suspects. Civil and even criminal court charges can be brought up against a police officer who use excessive force or lack proper evidence. The fourth amendment can be broken down into several different categories that involve law enforcement officers interacting with citizens and their possessions. These categories include searching persons for evidence, searching locations or things for evidence seizing evidence, and seizing people (Kanovitz 185). All of the actions listed play a major role in the Criminal Justice system and heavily affects how police officers can operate. Another major factor that plays into search and seizure etiquette is the warrant. A warrant is the written authorization of a judge t o perform an otherwise illegal action such seizing a person or thing. Two of the most common warranted associated with law enforcement action is the arrest warrant and search

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